
A journey in Ghana, Africa.

7 janvier 2016


It’s been a while that Jibril and I wanted to go to Ghana. Why Ghana? Well this is where J. was born. His Grandma still live there and it has been 16 years that he has not visit her. No need to say that it was about time!

We were there for two weeks and spent the first week in/around Kumasi. My favorite thing was to explore the small villages around and to meet the locals there. I had an amazing time. And the kids! Omg those kids! I was so overwhelmed  to see them smiling all the time and being so happy with not that much.

It was intense to discover/experience a new culture and to be out of my confort zone sometimes. It was really amazing but not easy all the time though! I think going to Kejatia market ( the biggest market of Western Africa, which happen to be in Kumasi ) was the “hardest thing” for me. This market is huge and crowded like crazy! And it was very very very intense ( not really in a good way ) to have everyone looking at me ( I was the only white person around ahah ) and calling me ” o’broni” ( which means stranger in the local language ) and talking about me in a language I did not understand. But well, it was part of the experience and when I think about it now, it does make me smile a lot.

I wish we would have more time so we could have explore the north of the country, but well, we’ll be back for sure!

I have so many pictures from that trip and it has been very hard to select the ones I’d share with you on the blog. I hope you’ll enjoy this first selection! There will be one or two more coming :)





In Ghana, it happens to be what they call “Lights Off” ( power outages ) everyday, but only in certain areas at a time.  Those following photos have been taken while I was experiencing those power outages during our stay in  Kotei Village.


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I really hope you did enjoy this first serie of photos. Can’t wait to share more :) ( and the Vlog is coming soon !)

Sending you lots of love.


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